Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Atmaja Unny - Photo Comparison

‘A New You’

This is how I looked 19 and half years back. The photo shows how engrossed I was doing something fascinating that I didn’t even realize my picture was being clicked. My childhood photographs are my portfolio which was clicked at different phases of my life and I will always cherish them. This is one of my favorite pictures because it’s a natural one unlike the other pictures I pose for. I have always loved to pose in front of the camera.

I feel in childhood, I had one of the best clothes and dressing style, all thanks to Mom. I love the combination of the white striped top and red skirt which gives a very smart and cool kid attitude. Even today I think I have carried myself with quite good dressing style.

For a one and a half year old I think I had a very good height and so do I have now. I had black short silky hair with Sadhana haircut. But now I have brown quite long hair. As a kid my hair used to always be oiled and tied but now I hardly oil or tie my hair. Also my skin tone was far lighter in comparison to what it is now.

I had chubby cheeks which I don’t have now and I truly miss them. My nose then was quite flat but now I wonder how they have become big. Overall I was a plump baby extremely opposite to what I am today.

My then face cut, doesn’t even slightly resemble to what I look now. It’s a complete ‘New You’ experience. The only feature that has remained constant throughout is my eyes which “speak a lot.” People say that I need not speak verbally to express my thoughts. It’s my eyes that say it all. Innocence, naughty and timid looks in my eyes are the traits I have carried forward from my childhood till today.

1 comment:

oops! said...

Good! This "new you" you talk about...when did the tansition take place? was it overnight? what triggered it? Besides looks, did anything else change for you? What all? What did you discard in the process?
You say that you like your childhood photo "because it is natural" and then you go on to say, "you always love to pose"...why do you think this happened? What does "good dressing style" mean for you? Eyes! - the windows to the soul!! Show us 5 different "looks" only through extreme close ups of your eyes.