I was trying to take this picture with these cool glasses on , and people kept trying to pull them off. Please note: the hairy hand in the picture is not mine, but belongs to friend who was trying to
take the glasses of me!
I said it says alot about me , as I am a private person. In most adverse situations, I tend not to show my emotions to the world and very few people know my real emotions. I tend to generally just grin and bear it .
Yello just won't go outta' fashion yah??? Nice that you've made it the new pink, grooovy gogs way!!!
The smile is ultra cool, much like the bubbabumzz that u are!!
I like the way the light makes you look so radiant!!!You're glowing, goddamit!!!
Au revoir
Never seen such a BIIGG smile on your face recently. This one's cute!
O man! Ur damn photogenic!
Definitely, the picture selection is great...
wish I coyld know more about the "private person"
O! it wasn't your "hairy hand"? ;) You got us worried for a moment there! But, jokes aside, It is a nice photograph but I'd like you to think more about the process and also, what those "cool glasses" are hiding and from whom and why? - Ajay
smitha u look like a rockstar..n sure dats not ur unwaxed hand??? lolsss
Smitha: Hahahahahhaha! I agree with the post above this one... I am sure you were too lazy to go for waxing, and purposely acting as though it's the hand of your imaginary friend... just admit it, will you? you have hairy hands, period!! :P
Anyway, like the pic... good stuff!
hey smitha i luvd ur snap...specially ur smile....its damn cute...
n ya i 4got 2 ad....u lukn like a rockstar... smitha aha aha hhahaha...
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