hey everybody!
am posting these pics on public demand, if i may say so! ajay, i've already mailed them to you, with comments. won't post any comments here, if you guys have something to say about my metamorphosis from that little one in an AIR INDIA's MAHARAJA turban to what i am now, go ahead and post! alternatively, if its really realllllyy mean, tell me in person.
P.S. that gorgeous lady holding me, in the first pic, is my maternal grandmum, AMAMA, with whose passing away, i lost a part of me.
Public demand?! I dare say!... The one with your grandmom is really lovely. But what you seem to be glossing over is what these photographs mean to you. Why did you feel the need to choose 3? And why these 3? Why the need to "pretend" to be happy? Think/write more! - Ajay
public demand.. err well that was because some of the ppl in class wanted to see the pics i sent to you!
what these photographs mean to me? well, the frst one of course is my most prized possession. it means the world to me. it has captured everything that'll never be anymore. the pride on amama's face, solely coz she's holding me in her arms. i was her youngest and favourite grandchild. and the last memory i have of her is of holding her in my arms, she couldn't stand, and she had then turned into a child, there was a complete reversal of roles, and the image of those times is only in my head, thankfully so. so this picture kind of reverses all that, and helps me remember her as she was, beautiful, elegant and the best friend that she was to me.
why three pics? well as i mentioned in my mail, its a kind of link between the other 2 pics, i see few if any similarities in th eway i looked as a baby and the way i look now. the chnage in the way i smiled is more evdent from this pic and the next. i never showed my teeth before, and then suddenly i started showin my teeth while smiling. i cannot remember what brought about that change and when. the similarities in my facial features can be linked through by the second pic, otherwise, except fpr the dimples, i dont think any part os my face look sthe same as 20 years ago.
the third pic i have sent coz... i love it! why was i pretending? i wanted to, just for escape, i wasn't too happy with that time in the year, just before my final exams, or prelims i think, i found it a torture having to study science and mug it up. i like science but cannot score in it to save my life! when i took this pic, i felt i could pretend that evrything was alrite in my world and kept telling myself that, 'this too shall pass'. i like something about my eyes in this pic.
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