This was hard.being in front of the camera,tryin to get the perfect mood that defined me was a hard task.i dunno what describes me more then a picture of me.it automatically reminds people of what i am!!my side profile does wonders to my broad face.even the slight blurr softens the harsh lines.solemn and thoughtful!!the darkness around signifies ignorance and irrelevant surrounding.while the light on the face depicts "light"!...comin into brightness.i feel it talks of the constant process to walk into light.looking away for me is a way of sayin,what interests me is unknown to you!.....i love pictures that intrigue.it is very simple but full of words for me
pot-raiture?! the idea was to take a new photograph and talk about the process with some new-found awareness. Why is it so hard to be "in front of the camera"? Let me see a photograph of you that "intrigues" me/ - Ajay
Heya Kunja,Bubbalouie!!!You have got a pretty set of peeper's!!!Please throw the spotlight on them, that would be a great photo...also,you're such a cool chica, whieee can't I see any of that, in your photo???
Au revoir!
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