Monday, August 4, 2008

Radhika Iyengar

Happiness personified. This picture always brings a smile to my face. I was seven back then. As a child, I have always loved pose and dress up. At that time, I didn't know the importance of braces, and thought that every girl or boy needed to have an empty space between her/his teeth in order to look adorable. At the end of the day, it didn't matter how I looked to others around me, for what mattered to me, was how I looked to myself.

Times have changed now. Though I still love to 'pose', I think I pose more for the world now than I pose for myself. The smile is a manufactured one. I think we all go through that stage where we want to look great in front of the camera, little realizing how far we are moving away from our own self, aspiring to look someone we really are not.
All grown up now, I think I've lost that streak of innocence I earlier had. This dawned upon me while I compared my two pictures. Hmm.. I wonder what I'll look like another ten years hence. Guess we'll just have to wait and watch.

1 comment:

oops! said...

Good!...I am interested to know how you progressed from "what mattered to me was how I looked to myself" to "I pose more for the world now". How did that play out?
When was the second photo taken? Why did you choose this pic over others? What does "looking great" mean to you? How do you feel about "aspiring to look like someone we really are not"? Is there any "truth" in the second pic? How would you like to be "seen"? - Ajay