Hey A.J.
There is alot more to me than meets the eye. I realise that every time I get around to holding the camera infront of me, I consciously attempt to reveal just a few facets to my personality, however, I hold back on the rest ,as I don't like to give it all out.I like being unpredictable. At the same time, "hajjaaar"complexities don't make it any easier for me, because I can never do justice to who I really am, with any photograph! Every photograph is a compromise, wherein I settle for something that is more relevant to my traits, inherent strengths and weaknesses and charateristics that fit into the vast jigsaw of my personality! Most importantly, I really enjoy depicting my state of mind and inner psyche through the medium of photographs. It's a tremendously satifying experience, as I discover alot about how the body has its way of revealing everything, by means of body language, expressions and reactions to a strange object or situation.
The camera really helps to define or heighten thought and emotions, through photographs.I included this photograph to draw people into another dimension of what really makes me and who I am!
1 comment:
good! I like the idea holding back and revealing only what you choose to and when you want to. Keep posting...revealing bit by bit and writing! - Ajay
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