Heya Yevreebuddee,
Didnt know where actually to take this,so,I guess I'm just going to interpret this photograph according to my own understanding, of what A.J. is looking to find through this experimentation.
This photograph isn't the best of its kind,although it did reveal a thing or two, to me, whilst pondering upon it.Unlike many photographs I have taken of myself, in different lights,this photograph has somewhat captured that side of me, that I didn't know existed.I realised that I do like to stand out from amongst a crowd,I like to be the guiding light in darkness,which implies that I do like to help people and be of some greater use to people, to fulfil a greater purpose in life.
I also believe that exposure, in itself, to situations and events; brings out the best in me, it highlights my strengths as well as my weakness; just like in this phtotograph the exposure and lighting conditiond highlight the same.I honestly believe that there is more to a person than meets the eye, just like in this photo,there's a sense of curiosity to what lies beyond what meets the eye, a curisity to know what the smile on my face is credited to!!I know that's exactly how I am, very complex, multi-faceted and discreet.I may pleasanty surprise you or give you much cause for concern with my moodiness.
Though the photo isn't very clear, I must say that is what I was aiming at, because I am quite indecisive and lack clarity of thought and expression, at times, this being one of those times.
I do not pride myself on my capabiltites although I believe that I am not enitrely without potential and a unique work of art,that is in the process of being shaped and crafted to perfection-a perfection that is not without flaws.
Beautiful!...And a nice photograph too. Good self-reflection on the process and you write well too. Cheers! Now, did you try any looking directly at camera? How was that different? Is there just ONE self-portrait that sums you up? What else - Ajay
Thank you so much Ajay! Unlike when I was kid; now, I do like to be clicked, or rather click pics of myself, in my ultimate element!!! So yes, I did try looking into the camera but it didn't represent me to the tee...that's not who I am, I'm best when I'm mysterious(Ask any of the guys I have dated!!), also, I like when I generate curiosity and people question my motives, my stance; it gives me a sense of pride...a feel good thing!!!I like challenges, so, I divert myself from norms and like to experiment!!!
There can not be just one, there is a whole gamut of facets to my personality and so, every photo may reveal something new, something different!!!
I really am terribly complex and these complexities unravel themselves, everyday, every oppurtunity that arises!!!
So there is no ONE photo that puts me together, all in a nutshell!!!
Well captured
Well written
Well commented.....
Ur pursuit shines!
I'd change that to "wonderfully complex"! Ok now, if you are up for challenges, take one more "self portrait" which hides more then it reveals. With no explanations this time. - Ajay
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