I decided to give a different element to this self-portrait...
In the foreground, the picture depicts a high-class society woman, who drinks wine, spends a lot of money on make-up, goes to parties, and is completely indifferent to the adversities that exist in society. She is oblivious to poverty, to the food crisis, and to the status of women and children--all this depicted through the newspaper clippings in the background.
I wished to take this picture, since this image represents many people who are ignorant and oblivious to the predicament of the weak. It is a self-portrait of me (and maybe many others like me), who were (or maybe still are), at one point of time, like this woman in the picture.
Interesting! So what happens when we give out signals/messages we don't really mean? Are you still oblivious or would you like to be remembered as such? What if you were given just once chance/just one photograph? Who is the real radhika? - Ajay
Take no offence but this isn't the radhika, we know, in class.Spank me if I am wrong!!!
Au revoir!
Its a cool idea and a nice photograph; but it doesn't really show me the real you... being your 'beloved' roomie..(I know how much you love me.. hahah!!) show me photo that shows a 'real' you!!
its different...surely.
I wish I could see a picture of "U"
Well honestly, it is a picture of me what I was perhaps a few months ago.. Now, I'm not saying that I was a rich brat (because I am not from the 'richy' background), but I *was* really oblivious to what was happening in our society.. I knew that people were suffering, I knew there was poverty, but I preferred to live in my own world, and be blind to it... And that holds true for a lot of us.. at least that's what I feel...
Plus, I had this concept in mind to show a contrast, and so I went ahead with it :D
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