hie!! im sure everyones had a good laugh looking at my weirdly different self portrait which was taken on the day of HOLI , earlier this year. I chose this picture to share with you guys because firstly i think its different, secondly i also think it is one of the many pictures which clearly shows some of my qualities like, extremely naughty, a life full of colours, happy go lucky to a large extent, and bold!!! So in short, this picture is the real me and i've realised that it is not very difficult for me to get a picture clicked!! hope to get some decent comments from all of you.
This photograph sure brought a smile to my face! What do mean, "it is different"? Now, what I want you to do is take one of yourself now! - AJay
Ketookee!!! I love the photo, just as vibrant as the person you are!!!
It resonates with your personality and many of your character traits!!!
Au revoir!
hey thanks guys..
ajay just incase u read this... it was taken with a self timer!! but if u want... i can post a photo taken by me with my own hands!!!! :)
choooooo chweeeeeeeeeeeet........
Now that's our Ketaki!
Awwww.... Ketki man, you're the cutest! You're the most adorable thing in class! Honestly, keep smiling man... I don't really know how you're able to pull it off, despite the pressure of assignments and the tantrums of the class, but hats-off to you!
No need to take another photograph. Timer is good! Am sorry about thinking you didn't take it yourself - Ajay
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