Thursday, August 7, 2008

Koel Sen

At the age of 5-6 I don’t really remember how I really was, except for what my mother defined me as, “cranky and whiny”. In this pic, I look innocent, naïve and soft. Im looking at the camera quite perplexed, probably wondering what this instrument does.. Or it could just be a plain gaze at the camera. Standing with my mother’s support, she holding me with care so that I don’t fall shows my dependency and her fear. I really like this picture because I look very calm and peaceful in it.

Comparing this kid with me today, at the age of 21, a fully grown adult seems very amusing. Not only have I grown physically four times her size, but also changed overall considerably and that is pretty obvious. As a young woman living all by myself, away from the dependency of my mother as in this picture, today I look like a confident and strong person. Also the perplexity in my mind as a child has changed to being a considerably more decisive person. I have the same calm look even in this grown up picture, but actually you cant really say what sort of tensions about life, world etc.. i have in my mind and never had as a child. Well that is what growth does to you.


oops! said...

But then, that is exactly I want you to talk about - "the tensions in life i have in my mind", which the chosen photograph attempts to hide. What is your relationship with your mother now? Do you have a photograph of her that you want to share with us? Maybe of the time when she was your age... - Ajay

oops! said...
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oops! said...

My relationship with my mother is very good.We are like two very close friends and she really understands me best.But yes, there are many personal tensions and other things that i think about all the time, which i shall express in my self portrait where i am trying to decode myself.
I do not have a picture of my mother when she was my age...