My mum tried desperately to deal with this fear and get it out of my system,in vain.I would creep into her bed at night, blanket and cuddlywugg in tow!!! I was very introverted and reserved back then.I had to be forced to go out to play and much after that my mother couldn't get me to balance my play time and study time.I just would never come home on time.I was and still am very determined and passionate.I learnt to ride a cycle all by myself, with a record of over 50 times of fallingand bruising the same knee.It has left a permanent scar on my left knee.
I am passionate about something, when it has managed to catch and hold my fancy for long enough, moreover when I am deeply interested in the same.
I have always been the smarter of the two kids of my immediate family.My brother has his alterenative views, that nobody really considers but he validates as the other side of the story.
I am very intuitive and instinctive.I rely on my gut and my sixth sense to guide me through.Of all these years, I have been the most productive and hard working between the age of 10 to 12, academically but following that I have given into greater passions of extra curricular activities,creative outlets and other things too.
What has defiantely been a major factor in the process of changing from a chaapli girl to an "aurat" is the knowledge and experience that I have accumulated and acquired through the years. I am my own judge and decision maker.Unlike when I was a kid, my folks governed my actions, thought processes and words,too, to a great extent; now, I can think, speak and act of my own judgement and according to my own predicament.
I have been told many a times, that I am photogenic, but I believe it takes a pretty face to produce a pretty picture, along with a great personality!!!Hahahahahaa.....
darling...u look totally the same...wit a big mishceivous grin....too cool
No anonymous comments pls.
Good! Very good detailing of memories and experiences. Way to go!
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