Friday, August 15, 2008

Koel Sen

Oh well, Ajay said self-portrait. Something that shows the real me...?? I couldnt get a better picture than this. This is how I am. I know its bad. I totally admit it. But what the heck, I'll try and quit sometime! I took this picture wondering last night, what is that one thing, that one space I always long for. My PC, my cigerette and some music. Thats sad. But I also read. I do read lots of stuff online. And I also want to admit to a decent fact that I study well and think better when I am like this. I've passed most of my exams like this. So why hide the fact that I like smoking. I like being in solitude. I dont always want to "hang out" with friends. I like to think. Think about the world, think about where our country is headed. Think about where I am headed.Why do people fight. What is it that Bush ultimately wants. Why cant terror attacks stop? WHY, why and why?? One very well known fact about me is that I am a very rebellious person. I never agree to something until 'I' feel its true. I always question. Also, I am very straight forward and frank. Whatever comes to my mind goes out of my mouth, whether bad or good, it helps the person on the other end ultimately. People cant take criticism, I cant either. But I hate being pretentious and cant stand hypocrites. So, its better to say it off, even if I hurt someone, I am being true. I know its not good, and girls are meant to be polite...and all that crap. We live in this world where we are so conformist, and just follow a particular path already paved for us by society. We must not follow it blindly. We must learn to make our own roads and dig them out if need be. And be what we really want to be.


oops! said...
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oops! said...

i can smell d smoke....
d rebel has made it!

Dats u!
Keep darin' dude!



oops! said...

Koel ne bhi phuk lagae.......
nice i like the colour n effect...hmmmm

oops! said...

Hahahaha! I somehow had a feeling you'll put up something like this pic ;)

oops! said...

Well said, though I didn't care much for the photograph. You seem hardly at ease with that cigarette and looking away. The drawn curtain (?) in the background suggests privacy, like you are hiding from the world. I have a theory about people who love smoking - their facial expression is unique when they pull deeply from a cigarette, different at any other time.
Who said "girls are meant to be polite"...crap! - Ajay

oops! said...

Koel you look kinda nervous in this picture. AS if you're scared to pick up that cigarette and actually smoke. Feels like you're thinkign a lot before actually smoking - is it good? is it bad? what if mom comes to know? will she like it? Just a lot of questions runnign through your mind. You don't look at ease. But i like the backdrop colors.

oops! said...

That was me - Yakuta

oops! said...

I know at the back of my mind that im clicking my own photograph doing something that I rarely do in public. This is sort of a thing I dont like to tell people except for who are like me and very close to me.... So the look and uneasyness.
Also the fact that i know very well smoking is bad, im trying to quit. Its just that sometimes I give up and light a fag like this one...usually when im alone all by myelf...with the curtain pulled..

My mother knows that I smoke. I have been caught many times in my balcony..She scolds me all the time and each time I promise that I will quit..but u know...
