Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008
THE FAMOUS FIVE (I really need to start coming up with better titles!)
(In alphabetical order)
Note: (Click on the names above to view the respective pictures)
Sorry guys, but I decided not to rate the ones which were not labelled as 'self-portrait', because it was really difficult for me to find each and every self-portrait which was not labelled otherwise. Sruti is however right now, painstakingly labelling each and every photograph for you guys--so you better thank her tomorrow :)
Also, it would really help all of us, if the people who mail the pictures to the Gmail account, gave the respective label name to the 'subject' (it's easier to find it that way).
Personally, I liked the above pictures because I found them to be either different from the others, or because I liked the 'process'/reasons why these photographs were taken.